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The Memory Shop

The Memory Shop

By Ella Griffin

Nora, fleeing a disastrous romantic entanglement in London, returns to Dublin, Ireland, to tackle the dissolution of the contents of her deceased Grandmother’s house, which is also her childhood home. It is not a task to be taken lightly as the house is filled with treasured memories garnered from around the world.​​

In need of a respite from her ‘real life’ in London, Nora, decides to open the little shop attached to the home to sell her Grandmother’s precious collection of assorted items. Using her professional set designer skills, she creates an ever-changing, minimalistic, but innovative, window display featuring a single piece ranging from a Taj Mahal Victorian era birdcage to freshwater pearl earrings.

Her goal is to sell her grandmother's impressive collection not only for the most optimum price but more importantly to the right recipient.

So begins a journey of discovery as Nora unlock secrets from her Grandmother’s past, that rewrite a belief system for Nora and in particular her mother, who has not set foot inside the house for thirty-seven years.

The Memory Shop is really a collection of short stories woven into one delightful story as we meet the customers who enter The Memory Shop and see the impact on their lives and the benefits gained from their encounter with Nora.

The most important story, however, is that of Nora's journey back to the place from whence she came and the insight gained into her destiny.

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