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Summer with my Sister by Lucy Diamond

Summer with My Sister by Lucy Diamond.

It is only this year that I added author Lucy Diamond to my reading list and so far her books have been a pleasure to experience. I still have a few books to read from this insightful author.

I have found her books to be filled with down to earth, believable and mostly likeable characters, without being too sugary sweet. Summer with My Sister was no exception.

In fact one of the sisters was rather a self centred pain in the arse for at least half of the book; a fact that could have been off-putting. The warmth of the other characters however is the hook that keeps you reeled in.

There is a vein of sadness that runs like a lazy river through the book, not front and centre, but rather along the periphery. This stems from a tragic circumstance taken place many years previously that has molded the lives of the characters and influenced the choices they have made.

At heart though, there is a strong family bond, even if not all the players know it!

Throw into the pot a touch of romance and the promise of new beginnings, in more ways than one and Summer with My Sister left me feeling empowered with the belief that anything is possible, if one wants it badly enough.

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